What is RTT?

For ceatives who want to re-member your dreams and re-connect to yourSELF.
Schedule A ConsultationHow We Work Together

Free Your Mind. Free Your Heart.

Types of Problems RTT® Can Help:

RTT® can really help pretty much anything. Common reasons to seek an RTT® Session include:

  • wanting to lose weight
  • trying to get pregnant
  • relieving stress
  • addressing fears & phobias
  • alleviating depression & anxiety
  • working through and healing family trauma
  • finding your life purpose
  • getting clarity on career direction
  • overcoming fear of public speaking
  • navigating grief
  • overcoming addictions
  • connecting to your intuition
  • addressing public speaking issues
  • finding the root cause of physical dis-ease such as eczema, allergies, chronic fatigue, IBS, PCOS, endometriosis, fibromyalgia, diabetes, hair loss, hormone imbalance, cancer, and many others

Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT®)

What it is.

Rapid Transformational Therapy™ is a modality created by Marisa Peer, also termed the Marisa Peer Method, which combines techniques from NLP, CBT, hypnotherapy, and psychotherapy, and the principles of neuroscience.

RTT™ embraces many of the positive aspects of hypnosis and hypnotherapy that are known to produce a transformative effect on clients. Hypnotherapy utilizes trance, regression and hypnotic conditioning tools to harness the power of the mind. However RTT™ goes beyond, diagnosing what works with real clients in real sessions to build a new therapeutic approach. Regardless of their issue, in sessions clients benefit from the application of a particular set of techniques over and over again. These insights provide the foundations for Rapid Transformational Therapy™ to emerge as a distinctive approach.

What does it look like?

Clients are time starved and often come in pain, both physical or emotional. They want rapid results. So the first difference with RTT™ is it aims to to deliver permanent change within 1-3 sessions.

The second difference with RTT™ is it is a method that truly empowers clients by using a technique that honors and values the significance clients attach to their issues/problems and then offers as a powerful emotional release for them. They can actually be free from pain.

A third difference with RTT™ is its use of Command Cell therapy as a modality for purposefully healing the body, as opposed to positive conditioning alone.

Lastly, RTT™ draws out ‘unfinished business’, meaning it is a technique for addressing the trauma that clients have been holding onto for many years.

In RTT™ the client is involved with the therapist in uncovering the meaning and interpretation of events and then changing them. This leads to permanent powerful change.

Read what my clients are saying...

Benefits of RTT™


Helps you uncover the limiting beliefs that are holding you back


Helps you to discover the root cause of the issue


Improves confidence, energy and vitality


Rewires your mind for success


Gives you clarity in refining and pursuing your life goals


Helps you eliminate subconscious thoughts hold you back from realizing your full potential


Gives you peace of mind


Gives you your life back

“Word that follow I AM follow you.” ― Marisa Peer