How We Work Together…

First, we’ll work together to create a custom experience unique to your needs. There are lots of different options depending on what you’re looking for. Here are some of my most popular choices:

– RTT® Hypnotherapy: If you want to focus just on hypnotherapy, we can do that. Then, if you want to add coaching later, we can do that too.

– RTT® Hypnotherapy and NeuroEmotional Coaching: This is a really powerful combination! We can work together for a month, three months, six months, or even nine months. You can also start with one month and then add a month at a time if that feels right for you. During that time we’ll look at your whole life, because everything is connected.

We’ll talk about where you’re feeling stuck and we’ll make a plan to help you feel free again. We’ll take our time and go deep, so that you feel like you’ve achieved a sense of completion.

Sometimes, I might use other methods during our coaching sessions. We could talk the whole time, or I might draw something on a whiteboard to help explain things. Or, we might do a somatic guided meditation to help you find some answers.

I’ll also give you fun “home play” between sessions to deepen your experience, and help you to integrate even more. This is your journey.

Don’t just find your path. MAKE your path.

As someone who is well versed in hypnotherapy and the healing arts in general I can say from a wealth of experience that Hannalies and her work are as top tier as it gets. Hannalies is warm, safe, capable and trustworthy. I knew instantly that I was in great hands. I recommend Hannalies and her profound, beautiful and transformational work with a whole heart. You’re worth it!

Local Hypnotherapist & Fellow Colleague

Hood River, OR


You know in the depths of your soul that you have SO much to offer, and yet it feels jut out of reach. Maybe you’re feeling confused and a little unclear about your purpose. What are you here to do? What is the unique magic that you offer? You’re seeking answers. If you’re stuck and seeking some clarity in yourself, your health, your relationships, or your business, you’re in the right place.

RTT® Hypnotherapy and NeuroEmotional Coaching is a great option for you if you’re looking to:

  • Gain clarity on a specific challenge
  • Get support working through some difficult emotions
  • Find relief from a physical ailment or addictive pattern
  • Get to the root of WHY you’re experiencing a physical or emotional symptom
  • Find your purpose & re-empower yourself

Holistic Hypnotherapy Breakthrough

This option is for you if you’re curious about RTT® Hypnotherapy and would like to start with one session.

Package includes:

  • One 2hr RTT® Hypnotherapy session
  • A transformational audio recording
  • 21 days of follow-up support
  • (Optional) 15 minute debrief call

5 Weeks Intensive

This for the individual who is seeking shorter term support. We meet once per week for 5 consecutive weeks (not including the initial consultation).

Package includes:

  • Five 1hr coaching sessions; meeting once per week for 5 weeks (not including initial consultation).
  • The option to turn one coaching session into a 2hr RTT® Hypnotherapy session, including a transformational audio recording
  • Email / text support in between sessions
  • Homeplay, session guides & notes
  • Optional: coaching sessions recordings for your reference

Holistic Hypnotherapy x3

This option is for you if you’d like to purchase 3 RTT® Hypnotherapy sessions up front to use whenever you choose.

Package includes:

  • Three 2hr RTT® Hypnotherapy sessions
  • Three transformational audio recordings
  • 21 days follow-up support per session (email/text)
  • (Optional) 15 minute debrief calls

13 Weeks Exploration

This is my most popular offering, designed for the individual seeking a more comprehensive container.

Package includes:

  • Thirteen 1hr sessions; meeting once per week for 13 weeks (not including initial consultation)
  • The option to use up to three sessions as 2hr RTT® Hypnotherapy Sessions, including hypnotherapy recordings
  • Email/text/phone support in between sessions
  • Sessions may be recorded for your convenience
  • Homeplay, session guides & notes
  • Optional: coaching sessions recordings for your reference

SPREAD THE LOVE! A percentage of each workshop, event, or package will be donated to organizations supporting people of color, indigenous rights, environmental protection, decolonization, human rights & peace.

Questions? Send me a message.

Other ways we can work together…


Conscious Entrepreneurs Collective

Join our private Facebook community of incredible, powerful & heart-centered aspiring creatives who are all working towards making a greater impact + create  income and freedom in the world.

(By invitation only.)

Contact me for an invite

Free Your Mindset Weekly Mastermind

Are you an aspiring entrepreneur looking for a supportive community to help you make your dreams a reality? Join our weekly mastermind where we gather together to celebrate our successes, support each other in life and business, and lift each other up! We meet Mondays at 8am Pacific. It’s my gift to you.

Contact me for an invite.

3 Pillars to Creating Freedom Online

Freedom is one of my top values. What about you? Are you ready to take your vision and turn it into income? Or add an income stream to your current business? Leverage the resources in front of you & learn how to create a highly profitable, high impact business that allows you to live your life on your own terms.

Watch the Webinar

If you’re serious about changing your life, you’ll find a way. If you’re not, you’ll find an excuse.
― Jen Sincero